User-generated content APIs

These APIs give access to sets of objects created by users in Rijksstudio. The Usersets API provides an overview of available sets. The Userset Details API returns details about a set, including the list of objects.

Access to APIs

To start using the user generated content, you first need to obtain an API key by registering for a Rijksstudio account. You will be given a key instantly upon request, which you can find at the advanced settings of your Rijksstudio account.

Usersets API

GET /api/[culture]/usersets lists the sets made by Rijksstudio users. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Format Default Notes
key a-z|0-9   Your API-key, mandatory for every request.
format json / jsonp / xml json The format of the result.
culture nl / en   The language of the page.
page 0-n 0 The result page to fetch. Note that p * ps cannot exceed 10.000.
pageSize 1-100 10 The number of results per page.

Example request Usersets API[api-key]&format=json&page=2

Example response Usersets API

  "count": 97957,
  "elapsedMilliseconds": 631,
  "userSets": [
      "links": {
        "self": "",
        "web": ""
      "id": "123-setname-3",
      "count": 25,
      "type": "Default",
      "name": "setname (3)",
      "slug": "setname-3",
      "description": null,
      "user": {
        "id": 321,
        "name": "John",
        "lang": "nl",
        "avatarUrl": null,
        "headerUrl": null,
        "initials": "B"
      "createdOn": "2012-11-02T12:28:21.9070376Z",
      "updatedOn": "2013-04-10T10:50:21.7559145Z"
    // more results...

Userset Details API

GET /api/[culture]/usersets/[set-id] gives more details about a set. The id of a set is composed of a user id, dash and name of set. You can retrieve id’s from the Usersets API.

Parameter Format Default Notes
key a-z|0-9   Your API-key, mandatory for every request.
format json / jsonp / xml json The format of the result.
culture nl / en   The language of the set.
id 0-9   The ID of the set.
page 0-n 0 The result page to fetch.
pageSize 1-100 25 The number of results per page.

Example request Userset Details API[api-key]&format=json

Example response Userset Details API

  "elapsedMilliseconds": 505,
  "userSet": {
    "links": {
      "overview": "",
      "web": ""
    "id": "123-setname-3",
    "count": 25,
    "type": "Default",
    "name": "setname (3)",
    "slug": "setname-3",
    "description": null,
    "user": {
      "id": 321,
      "name": "John",
      "lang": "nl",
      "avatarUrl": null,
      "headerUrl": null,
      "initials": "B"
    "setItems": [
        "links": {
          "artobject": "",
          "web": ""
        "id": "8c6e3ec4-08d9-4547-b72a-36907c0a3823",
        "objectNumber": "SK-A-3148",
        "relation": "None",
        "relationDescription": "Held",
        "cropped": false,
        "cropX": 0,
        "cropY": 0,
        "cropWidth": 0,
        "cropHeight": 0,
        "origWidth": 0,
        "origHeight": 0,
        "image": {
          "guid": "6d40dc7d-e58c-4e13-812d-60cff190a3d5",
          "parentObjectNumber": "SK-A-3148",
          "cdnUrl": "",
          "cropX": 0,
          "cropY": 0,
          "width": 1824,
          "height": 2500,
          "offsetPercentageX": 50,
          "offsetPercentageY": 36
      // more results...
    "createdOn": "2012-11-02T12:28:21.9070376Z",
    "updatedOn": "2013-04-10T10:50:21.7559145Z"